History on Tap: Whale Watches and Conservation
Laura Lilly, Director of Marine Conservation and Education at Hyannis Whale Watcher Cruises joins us to describe how whale watches aren’t just for tourists - they actually play a huge part in whale migration, conservation, and biology through documentation, photography, and monitoring. Learn all about how Hyannis Whale Watcher Cruises is a part of Whale Sense, and is dedicated to advancing knowledge and care for whales and dolphins in our region.
$5 per person, members free, IDs will be checked at the door for those sampling beer.
Cheese, crackers, water, and non-alcoholic beer options will also be available.
We highly recommend reserving your tickets on our website in advance. Popular events often sell out quickly, and we cannot always accommodate walk-ins. Don’t miss out—plan and secure your spot!
Sponsored by Cape Cod Beer! Join us to try three different varieties of brews: Blonde, Harvest, and IPA!